Sex was a taboo subject when I was growing up. My sex education included a 5th grade maturation presentation, an 11th grade health class about “safe sex” and STDs, and a marriage book about sex published in 1976.

After years of frustration, anorgasmia, an asexual desire diagnosis, therapy and coaching, I have discovered how to improve my relationship with sex. I have a better connection with my body, mind and my sexuality. Through this work I’ve significantly improved my relationship with my husband because I love, trust and advocate for myself. I teach women everywhere to do the same!

I am a Master Certified Life Coach specializing in Women’s Sexual Wellness. I love helping women improve their relationship with themselves, their sexuality and their partners! I also coach people who want to feel better in their life by teaching them how to manage their minds so they can create a life they want and love!

In addition to my private practice, I contract with The Life Coach School and have coached more than 4,500 sessions since 2020. I coach and mentor clients in “Get Coached” and am a private instructor in the Coach Certification Program.